Office Hour on MATLAB/Pipenv/Jupyter
Modified: 16.10.2019 15:03 Written By: Andreas Schmidt
NOTE: The dates have been updated due to a reschedule of the tutorials.
Dear DTSP students,
as announced in today's lecture, there will be an "office hour" on MATLAB/Pipenv/Jupyter in order to help you set up your system.
The office hour takes place at the slot when the usual tutorial will happen, i.e. this Fr, 18th Oct at 12:15. There will be no quiz (except from "have you already installed your MATLAB?").
Details on how you can set up the things yourself can be found in the Task Sheet 01 (see materials section). Please read it before the office hour to save yourself some time. Installing MATLAB involves an account creation (for the campus license) so it also makes sense to do this as soon as possible.
The task sheet itself will be discussed (after the accompanying quiz) on Th, 31st Oct. This is going to be in another slot as the usual tutorial, as Fr, 1st Nov is a public holiday.
In general, task sheets are released every Tuesday. The second task sheet will be released on Tu, 29th Oct., after which a new one appears every week, without further notice via email.
Have a good semester start and see you on Friday for the office hour.
Best regards
The DTSP Team