Cancellation / Postponing of DTSP Re-Exam
Dear students,
as you all are aware the University is locked-down until April 24th, 2020 due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemia.
We therefore cancel the originally scheduled re-exam on March 25th. As the situation is not yet clear enough we will at this point in time not yet fix a new date, but will keep you informed as soon as legally and ethically we are convinced that we can hold the exam without putting anyone in danger to get infected and get sick or, what's even more important, infect others.
Let me use this occasion to very seriously plead for taking all the measures implemented by the local and national governments very sincere! Do your utmost to prevent the virus from spreading. Since most of you will not even really notice when being infected consider it an ethical duty to restrict social contacts as much as possible! There's still a lack of awareness, parties going on and people going shopping beyond their daily needs. This is really dangerous and we only have little time left to flatten the curve!
As DTSP students and engineers you know exponential curves better than most citizens, so be a role-model and convince others to obey the rules!