Re-Exam Scheduled!
Written: 21.04.2020 07:34
Written By: Thorsten Herfet
Dear students,
thank you indeed for your unanimously positive feedback to my offer!
We will carry out the DTSP Re-Exam on Wednesday, April 29th, 15:00 (s't) in E2 2 HS001 (Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal).
As you know the Campus is still closed except for exams, so please
- Arrive on time, but don't stay on campus for longer learning phases, neither prior to nor after the exam.
- Please respect all measures required when moving in public space:
- Keep distances beyond 2.00m
- Preferably (we'll inform you in case it will even be mandatory next week) wear a mouth/nose protection.
- Wash your hands regularly and sufficiently thorough.
The current regulations can be found:
- (English FAQ)
- (Regulations, German)
See you all on 29th!!
Best regards, take care of yourself and your family and friends,
sincerely hope you're all OK!
Thorsten Herfet