LabVM: Default Python for Root User
Modified: 28.02.2018 15:02 Written By: Andreas Schmidt
Dear students,
during U02 we found that inside the LabVM, the root user is using Python 2.7 by default. As one of the projects requires you to run a program with sudo (as a root user) and validate that it works with Python 3.6., we recommend that you run the following command in your VM once:
sudo printf 'alias python=python3.6\nalias python3=python3.6' | sudo tee /root/.bash_aliases
Please make sure that you apply this change so that you don't accidentally submit project code that does not work with Python 3.6.
We found out that this change is not enough to make "sudo python" use Python 3.6. In order to achieve this, you might add another alias to your HON user. The following line will achieve this if you use the existing LabVM default configuration:
printf '\nalias sudo="sudo "' | tee -a /home/hon/.bash_aliases
Eventually, your file /home/hon/.bash_aliases should look like this:
alias python=python3.6 alias python3=python3.6 alias sudo="sudo "
The HON'18 Team