Hands-On Networking Thorsten Herfet, Andreas Schmidt, Pablo Gil Pereira

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Type Title Location Serial Start End All Day
Unit HON - U12: Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11) E1.3 HS003 4 14.03.19 14.03.19 No 
Unit HON - U24: Multimedia Communications and Coding E1.3 HS003 4 21.03.19 21.03.19 No 
Unit HON - U18: Practical Networking E1.3 HS003 4 18.03.19 18.03.19 No 
Unit HON - U06: Telnet, SSH and DNS E1.3 HS003 4 12.03.19 12.03.19 No 
Unit HON - U09: Communication Basics and Calculations E1.3 HS003 4 13.03.19 13.03.19 No 
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