Next two weeks of HON
Written: 13.03.2020 14:34
Written By: Andreas Schmidt
Dear students,
let us update you on the further process of this course. As pointed out before, we do not want to suspend the course and instead try to progress as good as possible using digital means (consider this as a hands-on exercise and showing you how relevant the content of the course is in practice). This means helping you in the next two weeks to finish the project and prepare for the exam.
The project office hours are now general office hours and happen during the next two weeks as planned, i.e. Monday and Thursday from 14 to 16. Instead of coming to our office or meeting in a room, we ask you to register here:
This is NOT replacing official announcements via the CMS and we will make sure that you are not missing essential information in case you do not want to register in Mattermost. So just as a fictional example: If we would need to postpone the exam, we would share this via CMS-news, i.e. email. This also means that we strongly advise you to keep an eye on your mail account.
So if you want to join the Mattermost, please consider the following:
- Use your address for identification. Other addresses are not permitted.
- Do not share the link with others. We will ban users that are not part of HON in order to avoid this place being hijacked by whoever.
- Make sure that you understand the rules of online etiquette (consider e.g. this article: We will take appropriate measures if you misbehave.
In summary, please don't worry, stay calm and healthy, have a nice weekend and see you online.
Best regards,
The HON20 Team