Exam + Projects in the face of University emergency operation
Written: 17.03.2020 15:15
Written By: Andreas Schmidt
Dear students,
regarding the mail you received yesterday from the president and its implications on HON:
- The exam is not going to take place on 31st March.
- The exam Q&A is also not happening on 27th March. If you want to chat about the content of the lecture, please use the mattermost chat we provide.
- The project deadline is going to stay the same. The projects are not in the category "Qualifizierungsaufgaben" as these are not the final theses of a study program. As the projects are also rather short and can be completed with a manageable amount of effort, you should finish them in the next two weeks.
Apart from the course logistics, please take all the measures implemented by the local and national governments very sincere! Do your utmost to prevent the virus from spreading. Since most of you will not even really notice when being infected consider it an ethical duty to restrict social contacts as much as possible! There's still a lack of awareness, parties going on and people going shopping beyond their daily needs. This is really dangerous and we only have little time left to flatten the curve!
As HON students and engineers you know exponential curves better than most citizens, so be a role-model and convince others to obey the rules!
Best regards,
The HON20 Team