Multimedia Transport Thorsten Herfet, Pablo Gil Pereira


Exam Registration CMS/LSF

Written: 23.01.2020 15:20 Written By: Pablo Gil Pereira

Dear students,

We would like to remind you that you need to register in LSF in case you want to take the Multimedia Transport exam (please notice that this lecture is not called Future Media Internet). The registration MUST be done the latest TWO weeks BEFORE the exam takes place. As mentioned in the main page in CMS, the oral exams will take place on 11th and 12th February, so please make sure you correctly register in LSF in time, because later registration will not be allowed by the examination office. On the contrary, if you plan not to take the exam, please deregister in time so it does not count as a failure. We have also received a confirmation email by the examination office that all the issues in LSF, have been solved but if you still have any issues to register please contact us as soon as possible.

You also need to pick a slot for your exam, which you can make via CMS if you go to the Internal > Registrations section. 12 different slots will be release in a first come, first serve policy. The registration will start next Monday 27th January at 10:00 and finish by Friday 31st January 23:59. For those of you that desperately need one specific slot, it is your responsibility to be aware and in time to pick it. In case someone else picks your preferred slot, we will NOT intervene, so your only options are to pick a different one, or agree with the person who already picked it, and only then contact us to make the switch.

If you have any doubts, please don't hesitate to send us an email. 

Wish you all good luck for the examination period.



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