TCI Final ResultsAs you all have seen in LSF, all students who participated in the re-exam passed. Unfortunately only roughly half of those who were eligible did show up, so several students missed the opportunity that has been given by the thorough rehearsal of the exam that we... Read more As you all have seen in LSF, all students who participated in the re-exam passed. Unfortunately only roughly half of those who were eligible did show up, so several students missed the opportunity that has been given by the thorough rehearsal of the exam that we gave on March 13th. Congrats to those who decided to participate in rehearsal and exam and now passed. |
Reminder : TC1 re-exam rehearsallocation - E1 3 HS 003 Time - 1530-1730
TC1 Results and NewsDear students,
The results for the TC1 exam are published and visible under your CMS pages. Unfortunately only few students have been able to pass the main exam. While we are aware that preparation for the main exam, which is during the time with many other... Read more Dear students,
The results for the TC1 exam are published and visible under your CMS pages. Unfortunately only few students have been able to pass the main exam. While we are aware that preparation for the main exam, which is during the time with many other exams, typically is less focused than for the re-exam, the passing threshold for many students has been failed that clearly, that it gets us worried. Hence we have two important messages for you:
Best, see you latest on March 13th,
Thorsten Herfet
Exam LocationLocation: E1 3/HS001 Time: 10:00 to 12:00 |
Exam Registration in LSFFor those who intent to write the exam on Feb 19, don't forget to register for the same in HISPOS. |
Exam Preparation and no Lecture on Tuesday 05.02.19On Wednesday the 06.02.19, Prof. Herfet will give you some tips on Exam Preparation, answer questions and also solve one of the Mock exams during this lecture. Also there will be no lecture on Tuesday 05.02.19.
Tutorial 4Tutorial 4 will be held on Wednesday 21.11.2018 at 10:15 in C6.3 Room 9.08. |
!!IMPORTANT!! Tutorial 4 change of dateThe Tutorial on Thursday, 22.11.2018 needs to be rescheduled as well due to the Retreat. Use the Doodle ( ) to select all the time slots that are convenient for you and we will optimize this internally (deadline for doodle... Read more The Tutorial on Thursday, 22.11.2018 needs to be rescheduled as well due to the Retreat. Use the Doodle ( ) to select all the time slots that are convenient for you and we will optimize this internally (deadline for doodle Thursday 15.11.2018 at 10a.m) and propose a final date on Friday, 16.11.2018. Note that, this change is only valid for this particular instance and does not change the schedule for the other tutorials. If you have any questions, write to . |
!! IMPORTANT !! --> Quiz "4" Change of date <--!!Due to a scheduled Lab Retreat, Quiz 4 to be held on Thursday, 22.11.2018 will now be scheduled for Wednesday, 21.11.2018 during the lecture from 0830 to 845. Make sure you are in time for the quiz. |
Exam DatesThe main exam TCI will take place on February 19th, 2019, 10:00am. |
Quiz ModalitiesThe first quiz will take place tomorrow (25.10.2018) at 08:30 in building C6.3 Room 9.05. In quizzes, we test basic understanding of the topics covered in the lecture. In preparation for the quizzes its recommended to revisit the manuscript. It is also useful to... Read more The first quiz will take place tomorrow (25.10.2018) at 08:30 in building C6.3 Room 9.05. In quizzes, we test basic understanding of the topics covered in the lecture. In preparation for the quizzes its recommended to revisit the manuscript. It is also useful to bring a scientific calculator for the quizzes. |
Wednesday LectureMake sure to be in time for the Lecture on Wednesday that start at 08:30. Being late not only disturbs your colleagues but also interrupts the lecturer. |
Matblab Introduction & First QuizOn Wednesday, Oct. 17th, 8:30-10:00 Pablo Gil Pereira will give an introduction into Matlab and the TCI Toolbox. |
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Course Details
Digital Signal Transmission and Signal Processing refreshes the foundation that you have layed in "Signals and Systems / Signale und Systeme". We will, however, include the respective basics so that the various facettes of your introductory study period (Bachelor in Computer Science, Vordiplom Computer und Kommunikationstechnik, Elektrotechnik or Mechatronik) and the potential main study period (Master in Computer Science, Diplom Ingenieur Computer und Kommunikationstechnik or Mechatronik) will be respected.
To establish a strong foundation, the course will give an introduction into the various building blocks that modern telecommunication systems incorporate. Sources, sinks, source and channel coding, modulation and multiplexing are the major keywords but we will also deal with dedicated concepts like A/D- and D/A-converters and quantizers in a little bit more depth.
The course will refresh the basic transformations (Fourier, Laplace) that give access to system analysis in the frequency domain, it will introduce derived transformations (z, Hilbert) for the analysis of discrete systems and modulation schemes. It will also briefly introduce algebra on finite fields to systematically deal with error detection and correction schemes that play an important and ubiquitous role in modern communication systems.
"Digital Transmission and Signal Processing" is a course during the main study period and by such requires a solid foundation of mathematics (differential and integral calculus) and probability theory. The course will, however, refresh those areas indispensibly necessary for telecommunications and potential intensification courses and by this open this potential field of intensification to all participants.
Course Structure
Basic Rules
- Please note that small changes and corrections will be applied to the lecture notes throughout the semester. If you find mistakes or have suggestions how to enhance the lecture notes we appreciate your input!
- Please don’t hesitate to tell us if you have any comments or suggestions related to lecture notes, task sheets, exercises or even organization things. We will improve it soon so you can benefit from it, not only future students.
- There will be printed weekly quizzes with 5 questions for 15 minutes every week on THURSDAY from 08:30 - 08:45. These quizzes are graded individually and the points will be published online.
Exam Dates:
- Main exam - TBA
- Re-Exam - TBA
Exercise Group
- Place: Campus C6. 3. Room: 9.05
- Time: Thursdays, 08:30 - 10:00
- During the exercises you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the task sheet problems
- You are free to attend your preferred exercise group.
Task Sheets
- Task sheets are issued on Tuesdays after the lecture and are available online.
- You do not have to submit the solutions, instead work on the tasks until the following tutorial.
- During the tutorial you can demonstrate your understanding on the task sheet questions and get an additional 1 point on every task you have contributed individually.
- The quizzes and task sheets for this course will be divided into two parts (6 in each block respectively). It is necessary to pass both the blocks individually to be eligible for the exam.
- Weekly Quizzes and Task Sheets:
- Each weekly quiz are worth 5 points total, which adds up to 30 points total for all quizzes in each block. These points can be earned individually by everyone.
- Each task sheet contains minimum 3 tasks, which adds up to 18 points total for all tasks in each block. These points can be earned only if you individually can demonstrate your understanding on the task during the tutorial.
- Final points are calculated by adding up over all quizzes and task sheets within a block.
- You need minimum 20 points in total to pass a block and must pass both block A and B to be eligible for the exam.
- Exam contains 5 problems (each 10 points), solving 4 of them is sufficient for a 100% passing grade.
- Minimum point threshold per exam task is 3 points.
- Faultless solutions are rewarded with 3 points.
- Schedule
- Main exam - TBA
- Re-Exam - TBA
- Since March 2012 the UdS has a MATLAB campus license which can be used by all university students for non-commercial purposes.
- CIP pool at Saarland university provides acces
- SSUM Signals and Systems Using Matlab package: a collection of demonstrations and exploratory applications for signal processing. It demonstrates extensively the concept of convolution, Fourier Analysis, FIR and IIR filters, modulation and much more. To use all examples the Matlab "Signal Processing Toolbox" is required (available in the CIP-room and included in Campus License).
Proakis, John G. and Salehi, Masoud: "Communications Systems Engineering", 2nd Edition, 2002, Prentice Hall, ISBN = {0-13-061793-8}
Oppenheim, Alan and Willsky, Alan: "Signals & Systems", 2nd Edition, 1997, Prentice Hall, ISBN = {0-13-814757-4}
Göbel, J.: "Kommunikationstechnik", Hüthig Verlag Heidelberg, 1999, ISBN = {3-82-665011-5}
Ohm, J.-R. und Lüke H.D.: "Signalübertragung", 2004, Springer, ISBN = {3-54-022207-3}
John G. Proakis: "Digital Communications", McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2001, ISBN = {0-07-118183-0}
Bernd Friedrichs: "Kanalcodierung", Springer, 1995, ISBN = {3-54-059353-5}
Papoulis, A.: "Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes", 1965, McGraw-Hill, ISBN = {0-07-119981-0}
Claude E. Shannon, Warren Weaver: "The Mathematical Theory of Communication", University of Illinois Press, 1963, ISBN = {0-25-272548-4}