Telecommunications II Thorsten Herfet, Harini Hariharan


LSF Registration (Message from the Examination Office)

Written: 27.04.2018 08:08
Modified: 27.04.2018 08:10
Written By: Thorsten Herfet

Registration for exams *in _Computer Science_*

Dear students,

The registration for seminars is now active. The registration for exams 
(Core lectures, Advanced lectures) will be possible at the beginning of 
May at the latest.

Please note: block courses during the semester break have alternative 
registration periods.

Regulations for *seminars*:

Registration and withdrawal is possible *until three weeks* after the 
topic assignment or the briefing of the seminar at the latest.

The exam registration for Core lectures and Advanced lectures are 
possible until*one week before* the main exam or the re-exam at the 
latest. *You have to register for the main exam and/or for the re-exam 
separatley.*  Please note: Main exam and re-exam will be counted as two 
examination attempts. A delayed exam registration by the study 
coordination is not possible because of the short period before the exam!

*Please note, that those who have not subscribed to an exam, cannot take 
part in it.

*A *withdrawal* is possible one week before the main exam or before the 
re-exam at the latest, otherwise the exam is failed.

You will find the examination schedule here: 

In case of problems with the exam registration please contact the study 
coordination: studium at 
<mailto:studium at>in time.
In case of problems with your*iTan-List* please send an email to the 
*Service-Desk from the HIZ. *If you don't have receive an iTAN-list 
please conact also the Service-Desk:

---> OTRS - Ticket System or

----> Ihre Anfrage an das HIZ

A guideline for the exam registraiton can be found here:
under "Courses and Lecturers" - Exam Registration

Please take care of different examination registration from other 
departments, e.g. in Economic Sciences: 

Deadline for the main exams from the *Computer Linguistics department 
*is July, 4th- re-exam: TBA

Best regards,
Evelyn Kraska

Evelyn Kraska
Sekretariat Studienkoordination Informatik
Universität des Saarlandes
Postfach 15 11 50
Saarland Informatics Campus, Geb. E 1.3, Raum 208
D-66041 Saarbrücken

Tel.: +49(0)681 302-6581
Fax: +49(0)681 302-58094
Email:kraska at

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