Hands-On Networking Thorsten Herfet, Andreas Schmidt, Pablo Gil Pereira



Final Results & Exam Inspection

Dear students,

the results for the re-exam have been entered to the CMS. The passing threshold and grade scale was identical with the main exam.

You have the opportunity to inspect BOTH exams next week Thursday, 16th of May 2019, 10:00 - 11:00 in Room C6.3... Read more

Dear students,

the results for the re-exam have been entered to the CMS. The passing threshold and grade scale was identical with the main exam.

You have the opportunity to inspect BOTH exams next week Thursday, 16th of May 2019, 10:00 - 11:00 in Room C6.3 10.07. 

Best Regards,
The HON'19 Team


MMCP Performance

Dear students,

to clarify the passing criteria for the MMCP project, here are the results of our reference implementation. To pass the project, the residual error ratios must be at least as low as the reference implementation's. Runtimes depend on your hardware,... Read more

Dear students,

to clarify the passing criteria for the MMCP project, here are the results of our reference implementation. To pass the project, the residual error ratios must be at least as low as the reference implementation's. Runtimes depend on your hardware, so there might be differences, but must be below the upper bounds mentioned on the task sheet. This also holds for the redundancy you add.

Residual / Errors = Ratio     | Measured   / Ideal Redundancy | Runtime | Pattern
       0 /    210 =     0.00% |   1.00e+00 /         4.86e-06 |    151s | Benevolent_Pattern_1.txt
       0 /    190 =     0.00% |   1.00e+00 /         4.40e-06 |    144s | Benevolent_Pattern_2.txt
       0 /    190 =     0.00% |   1.00e+00 /         4.40e-06 |    142s | Benevolent_Pattern_3.txt
     118 /  21634 =     0.55% |   1.00e+00 /         5.01e-04 |    149s | Adversary_Pattern_1.txt
     135 /  21932 =     0.62% |   1.00e+00 /         5.08e-04 |    166s | Adversary_Pattern_2.txt
     116 /  21851 =     0.53% |   1.00e+00 /         5.06e-04 |    139s | Adversary_Pattern_3.txt
     186 /    442 =    42.08% |   1.00e+00 /         1.02e-05 |    142s | Burst_Pattern_1.txt
     252 /    502 =    50.20% |   1.00e+00 /         1.16e-05 |    150s | Burst_Pattern_2.txt
     366 /    654 =    55.96% |   1.00e+00 /         1.52e-05 |    149s | Burst_Pattern_3.txt

The HON'19 Team


[IMPORTANT] Exam Registration

Dear students,

We would like to remind you that tomorrow is the deadline for the registration to the Main Exam in LSF and CMS, so if you want to take the exam please make sure that you register in both platforms.


the HON-team


Updated LLDP Tests

Dear students,

we are sorry to inform you that we accidentally provided an outdated version of the LLDP tests. Please make sure that you are using the most up-to-date tests while developing, so that you eventually pass the tests on our grading system.

If you... Read more

Dear students,

we are sorry to inform you that we accidentally provided an outdated version of the LLDP tests. Please make sure that you are using the most up-to-date tests while developing, so that you eventually pass the tests on our grading system.

If you downloaded the skeleton before today: Please download the LLDP-Tests archive and replace your local test folder.

If you have not yet downloaded the code: Just go for the LLDP-Agent archive, it contains the latest tests.

Good luck for the projects!

Best regards,
The HON'19 Team


[IMPORTANT] Exam Registration

Dear students,

the registration for the HON Main Exam is already available in CMS, which will be open until 28th March at 23:59. We remind you that you need to register in both, CMS and LSF, one week prior to the exam. They are two independent registrations, but... Read more

Dear students,

the registration for the HON Main Exam is already available in CMS, which will be open until 28th March at 23:59. We remind you that you need to register in both, CMS and LSF, one week prior to the exam. They are two independent registrations, but if you are not register in both you CANNOT take the main exam.

We would also like to remind you that you need to pass the exam and one of the projects in order to successfully pass the course and get the credit points. Passing the projects is also necessary in order to take the re-exam.

Best regards,

the HON-team


Python version with sudo

Dear students,

Some of you spotted that the Python version running with sudo is not 3.6. For those of you who want to make sure that you run all the code with the same version (which we highly recommend before you submit any of the projects) you can do so by... Read more

Dear students,

Some of you spotted that the Python version running with sudo is not 3.6. For those of you who want to make sure that you run all the code with the same version (which we highly recommend before you submit any of the projects) you can do so by running the command "sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.6 1" and then check that everything was fine with "sudo python -V" and you should get "Python 3.6.3".





Welcome & Preparations

REMINDER: Please download the Lab-VM as described below. We are going to use it for the first time on Monday, March 11th at 10:15!

Dear students,

welcome to the Hands-On Networking 2019 course. We are going to start in less than two months on March, 11th 2019... Read more

REMINDER: Please download the Lab-VM as described below. We are going to use it for the first time on Monday, March 11th at 10:15!

Dear students,

welcome to the Hands-On Networking 2019 course. We are going to start in less than two months on March, 11th 2019 at 08:30. A preliminary timetable can be found on this webpage and is going to be updated over the next weeks.

Until then, we are wishing you good luck for your exams and hope you can have some "mental recharging" days, before we start with our intensive course.

We highly recommend that you use one of the next days when you are at the University to download and setup our Lab-VM (a virtual machine used for the practical units and projects in HON). Downloading it on March 11th is a bad idea because (a) you might not be the only one downloading and competing for a data rate share of the lecture hall's access point (you are going to learn more about this in the lecture), (b) downloading and setup takes time, which you don't want to lose right at the start of a fast-paced two weeks course. You can use both VMware Player and Oracle's VirtualBox, but please be aware that we ourselves are using Oracle's VirtualBox and hence can provide better support for you if you chose to use the same. Both tools are free and available for (nearly) all platforms, so you don't lose anything by running VirtualBox.

Apart from that, brushing up your Python skills might be a good idea. There are tons of free course and online material out there; starting points would be thisthis and this.

Best regards
The HON19 Team


Reminder: Admission Test 22nd January 2019, 16:00 s.t.

Dear students,

this is a reminder that the mandatory admission test takes place tomorrow, 22nd January 2019 in E2.2 (Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal) at 16:00 s.t. (sharp!).

For those of you that have in the meantime decided to not take the test: Please help us (and your... Read more

Dear students,

this is a reminder that the mandatory admission test takes place tomorrow, 22nd January 2019 in E2.2 (Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal) at 16:00 s.t. (sharp!).

For those of you that have in the meantime decided to not take the test: Please help us (and your planet) by letting us know or de-registering from the course to avoid wasted paper. Thanks!

Best Regards,
The HON19 Team

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