Hands-On Networking Thorsten Herfet, Andreas Schmidt, Pablo Gil Pereira


Welcome & Preparations

Written: 28.01.2019 15:10
Modified: 07.03.2019 13:26
Written By: System Administrator

REMINDER: Please download the Lab-VM as described below. We are going to use it for the first time on Monday, March 11th at 10:15!

Dear students,

welcome to the Hands-On Networking 2019 course. We are going to start in less than two months on March, 11th 2019 at 08:30. A preliminary timetable can be found on this webpage and is going to be updated over the next weeks.

Until then, we are wishing you good luck for your exams and hope you can have some "mental recharging" days, before we start with our intensive course.

We highly recommend that you use one of the next days when you are at the University to download and setup our Lab-VM (a virtual machine used for the practical units and projects in HON). Downloading it on March 11th is a bad idea because (a) you might not be the only one downloading and competing for a data rate share of the lecture hall's access point (you are going to learn more about this in the lecture), (b) downloading and setup takes time, which you don't want to lose right at the start of a fast-paced two weeks course. You can use both VMware Player and Oracle's VirtualBox, but please be aware that we ourselves are using Oracle's VirtualBox and hence can provide better support for you if you chose to use the same. Both tools are free and available for (nearly) all platforms, so you don't lose anything by running VirtualBox.

Apart from that, brushing up your Python skills might be a good idea. There are tons of free course and online material out there; starting points would be thisthis and this.

Best regards
The HON19 Team

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